Publishing for all devices

Online publication of research



Concept, design, and the online publication of the ‘Long-term Research Report’





In short

In 2021, the Dutch Association of Supervisors in Healthcare and Welfare (NVTZ) and the Association of Supervisors in Housing Corporations (VTW) initiated a long-term study. This research aims to provide an overview of the state of the internal oversight within the housing corporation and healthcare and welfare sectors. It also has the potential to identify trends and developments over time. The first research report was published in December 2022. It is primarily focused on the difference between the two sectors.

Online publication

Studio Wiegers was commissioned to design the research report. We opted for a clear palette with fresh graphics and suitable illustrations. The result was presented in an online publishing format because of its dynamic and interactive capabilities. An online publication is a digital document published web-wide that can be viewed directly in any browser. The client also wanted the document to be available for anyone to download. We provided an interactive PDF that is easy to download through a button in the online publishing format

View the walkthrough of the features of the online document below.

Advantages of online publication

One of the advantages of Adobe’s Publish Online is the ability to insert animations and online media, providing the reader with a dynamic and appealing document. Combined with built-in interactivity, it creates a pleasant and interactive reading experience, enhancing the content’s impact. Additionally, you can easily track user statistics through a dashboard, including the number of views, the devices used, and the amount of minutes the user has spent reading. A bonus is that using Adobe’s Publish Online doesn’t require a subscription, which is common when using similar services.

View the entire publication below or in full-screen mode on the NVTZ website.